Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day 18: Talking a lot=Sore Jaw

Today was a great day! Woke up once again feeling good. A little tired, but good! I really feel like this entire experience is all about your mind set. Not to say that you don't have bad days, because I know you do, I did have bad days. I have tried to have a positve outlook that no matter what happens I am going to grin and bare it. It seems to be working. When I have a bad day, I mentally tell myself get some sleep and wake up and start over with a smile.

We ran a few errands in the morning, and then went to my nephews first birthday party in the late afternoon! It was nice to see a ton of family and get positive feed back on my recovery thus far. For those of you having the surgery it is really nice to have support from your friends and family. I have had a ton of support from family, friends, students and their parents. Everyone has been amazing. I feel so lucky to have such amazing people in my life!

The best part of the party was being social again. I feel like I've been a hermit in a cave the last few weeks. However, I still feel a little anti social. There were people I didn't know at the party, and normally I would socialize and make small talk, but I felt self conscious about my appearance, and more so the way I talk. My jaw gets tired so I start to mumble a little. So I stuck around family, people I didn't need to explain why I ate my nephews cut up hotdog, why I chew like a child, and why I had to drink with a napkin near my chin. It was just easier that way. By the end of the night my right side of my jaw was a little sore, and uncomfortable. That was just after 2 hours of party. I did chew super small bits of hotdog so that might have had something to do with the soreness. So needless to say I am glad I still have 2 more weeks off, before I get back into teaching voice and piano full time. The next two weeks I need to start working out my jaw more. Time to start being more social.

I forgot to mention we ordered pizza last night and I was able to eat two pieces! I should mention it was gluten free pizza, and well gluten free anything pretty much falls apart as I have mentioned before. So it was nice and soft. I stayed away from the crust, and also had to take the salami off. It was impossible to chew. I almost choked on a small piece. So to error on the safe side I just gave my salami to my husband. Lucky him.


  1. Hi Heather! You look great! Teaching for me(about 10 classes per day) starts 20 days after my jaw surgery. With how your jaw is feeling right now, do you think you would be ready to do this? Singing, talking, etc.? I'm trying to decide if I'll need to take a few weeks off or if I'll be good to head back to school. Thanks!

    1. Hi Traci, Thank you! I am starting to feel weird about my face. It's so different. The smile, the chin, the jaw line. Just saw some pictures from the party last night, and it was so strange looking at me, but it didn't feel like I was looking at me. If that makes sense?

      It's really hard to say. I have had a pretty smooth recovery for having both jaws done and a genioplasty. Most people who have had all three seem to have more swelling, and more discomfort than I have had thus far. I think if I had to go back to work tomorrow, I could maybe make it work with some motrin for the aches. I originally had planned on going back to work after 25 days, and then switched it to be on the safe side to 5 weeks. I would maybe plan for an extra week off just incase. I personally did not want to rush back in and mess something up. I do not want to do this a second time. lol I would say if you can take a little extra time off do it, resting your jaws a little longer, and getting more energy before you go back wouldn't be a bad thing : ) Especially since you are really going to be working the jaw a lot when you go back to work. Even if you try take it easy, you are working with kids we both know you won't be able to take it too easy.

  2. Thanks, Heather! I guess I'll know soon enough how my recovery will be. I know my surgery will be double and genioplasty but not sure of all the details. Only time will tell, I guess! I have two boys at home who will be sure to keep me busy too, in the next few weeks! Thanks again and I'm glad your recovery is going pretty well!

  3. Hi
    Just found your blog. I thinks you look great. What were your surgical movements?
    Who was your surgeon?

    1. Hi Nicole, thank you! I meant to ask my surgeon the exact movements at my last appt. and forgot! He moved my top jaw up, lower jaw up and out, as well as genioplasty. My surgeon was Dr. Poor. He really did an amazing job, I feel great about everything so far. : )
