Thursday, July 18, 2013

Surgery day :: Day 1 :: Day 2

SURGERY DAY (Tuesday July 16th), was well what I expected. My arrival time was set for 6a.m., and only had to wait about 15 minutes before they started prepping me for surgery. I think I was only in the "waiting" area for about an hour and a 1/2. It felt like forever, mainly because different people kept coming over to ask the same questions. They walked me toward the surgery room, my husband was allowed to walk some of the way and then I was on my own. Surgery room was well a surgery room. Lights, bed, people everyone... some of the nurses made horrible jokes. I was polite and laughed... but seriously if I could remember them I would let you all know what they were so you could all not laugh with me.

I don't even remember going under, I just remember telling them I was ready and the next minute I was waking up in recovery. Unlike some people, my mouth is wired shut for the next 14 days. So that was weird waking up to that. The nurse there was extremely nice and made sure I was as comfortable as possible. Giving me pain meds, and meds for nausea. I didn't feel super nauseas just more strange. I kept trying to talk to her, and tried to sing. Just wanted to make sure my voice still worked. Pretty sure I fell asleep and woke up in my hospital room. My husband came in, and I was relieved to see that I had a private room which meant that he could stay the night. I am glad that worked out because the nursing situation was not amazing. While they were nice, they were not overly helpful. I was coughing up blood pretty bad for the first hour or so in the room. As rough as that was I am just glad that I did not vomit, nor did I have any nose bleeds. Those are the two things that most people endure after surgery. I couldn't imagine I was so uncomfortable without adding those! I feel for anyone that had those symptoms after!! I even took a little stroll around the nurses station the first evening after surgery. So I feel good about that. The best thing about the hospital was the little humidifier, oh and the leg massagers. Those were both amazing. 

DAY 1- Woke up on and off the first night. Hard to be comfortable with your mouth wired shut and a huge thing of ice around your swollen face. Pain was managed most the night. Only once did I wake up and felt really achy. Other than that nothing special happened. The Resident Doctor came in around 7a.m. to check on me. She was surprised I wasn't more swollen, and was happy with my progress. So they started the process to discharge me. I was ready to go home by 9:30a. Once home I pretty much laid around, and tried to get comfortable. Worst part was the children's motrin they gave me to take between the Tylenol with codeine. That motrin burned the back of my throat like crazy. No fun. Slept okay. I was up every few hours asking for more ice, or water. My husband has been amazing. Between my mumbles, and well my face I am not sure how he is not more exhausted with me. I should mention that I can't really talk yet. It's more like I make weird noises and play charades with my hands. So annoying. 

Day 2- I woke up feeling a little better, still not comfortable but I had a little energy today. So I got up and walked around a little. Took a shower, not fun with the tape on my chin, which I can't get wet. Then went back to bed and took a nap. Pretty crazy day. Swallowing is the worst. My front tooth seems to have all of it's feeling and every time I swallow it hurts. I should mention I have most of my feeling from my top lip up. My bottom lip is pretty numb, and my chin keeps getting random itchy spots today. I was hoping to stay numb a little longer so I don't feel as much. Sorry for all the typos. I am just trying to get it all down... and feeling a little tired, and ready to rest again. Not super comfortable laying in bed even with my bed wedge. My back is cramping up : ( 

Funny is that my dog, Achilles, is also a little freaked out and worried about me. He is not sure why I can't talk or make faces at him. However, he can relate to some of my problems because he drools after he drinks, or walks too. So he found my stack of drool towels and tried to utilize them. 

1 comment:

  1. aww hey you look great - not a lot of swelling either!

    God I feel for you - the itchy lips is horrible!

    Good luck, hope you feel better each day! x
