Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 69: Water!

Day 69:

Well, I can't believe it has been 69 days since I had double jaw surgery. It seems like at this point life is back to normal until I eat.

This past week I have had jaw pain in my right side. It has been a little uncomfortable and almost like a popping. I say almost, it is different than when it popped before the surgery. It seemed to happen at random times, and also felt strange when yawning, chewing and so on. I realized this morning I wasn't feeling good and started thinking I haven't been drinking very much water like I was a few weeks ago. I have gotten busy and stopped making water a priority. So this morning I have drank 80 ounces, and my jaw tightness and pain is gone! So I guess what I am saying is that the muscles and joint need to be hydrated... which is why they recommend 100 ounces of water daily. I guess I just thought I was in the clear. I need to stay on top of the water not just for my jaw, but for my body. Water is pretty important.

I have an appointment this Thursday with my surgeon hopefully all is well. I have been trying to get my  jaw to open to two fingers. It has not been cooperating. How long did it take everyone else to get their jaw opening to a normal width? I feel like I am falling behind in this area. My muscles are so tight. I thought they would loosen quicker than everyone else due to my singing/talking 8 hours or so a day.

Numbness. I am starting to get more feeling back. It is still numb below my bottom lip, but I can feel a little so it is no longer completely numb.

My teeth have been super sensitive the past 2 weeks to the point where I shudder and cringe when I am brushing my teeth, or doing nothing. It is the weirdest, most horrible feeling. It's so hard to explain. I am sure other people have experience this terrible feeling, at least I hope I am not alone in this!

No word on when the braces come off, I have an ortho appt on Monday so I will probably ask if he has an idea. : ) I am really hoping before Christmas.

I am loving my new profile and smile! The swelling is coming down in the chin area, but I can still see a half circle where the swelling is.

So glad to see everyone doing and looking so amazing!


  1. Hi Heather!
    Sounds like we are both doing pretty well! I am now 46 days past my surgery. I have been back at school full-time since the end of August but did take the 2nd week off to rest my jaw a bit. Wow! I cannot believe how sore I get by the end of the day and as the week goes on. I am allowed to wear my bands for 12 hours only but I find that my jaw gets much more sore and tired during the day if they are off. My surgeon said the pain, popping, ear pain, etc. would minimize once I took my bands off during the day and was able to move more but I find the opposite. I may have to see if more water helps out with my jaw pain.

    Eating is difficult but I keep trying to get solid and healthy food in! I find that it is hard to open my mouth wide enough to get the food in between my teeth. I can open about a finger and a half. Are you able to shift your lower jaw side to side? Mine moves barely at all...maybe a mm or two. When did you find that chewing became easier?

    How long did it take for your stitches to fall out? I still have 1/2 of mine in my upper jaw.

    I wish I could say I love my profile, etc but I'm not quite there. I do see some positive differences but not sure yet how I feel about them as I'm worried they'll change when the swelling goes away. I do love the fact that most of my teeth touch and I can kind of bite with my front teeth! YAY!

    I hope your pain goes away quickly!

    1. HI Tracy,
      So glad to hear you are doing well, and things are becoming easier. Crazy how long of a process this is. I knew it would be long and slow, but after I was unwired it seemed like things were healing quickly or becoming easier that first week unwired. Now everything is so slow.

      I was able to take the bands off during the day about 2 weeks ago. I found that my jaw was much more achey at the end of the day without the bands. I think I was less constrained so I was moving my jaw a little more, which caused the pain. After a week that seemed to diminish greatly. It really is day by day. Yesterday, my jaw pain by the afternoon was gone. This morning it feels stiff and achy : ( I can almost get 2 finger in my mouth, which I feel good about... kinda. I was hoping to be farther along by this point, but everyone keeps telling me it will open more eventually.

      To be honest I didn't really notice most of my stitches after the first month. I am sure they will be gone soon : )

      My swelling in the past three weeks has went down and made my smile more relaxed, and natural. Don't worry, things will change but I think for the better most of the time. My chin has a line that keeps moving around due to swelling, but I can see more definition in my chin and jaw line now.

      How amazing is it that your teeth touch?? I am sooooo excited that I can chew with most of my back teeth touching. Oh, and chewing while it is getting easier, I still have days and moments where my jaw gets tired. I can move my jaw side to side maybe 3 mm. I find moving to the left is easier than moving to the right. Also, sliding my jaw forward to make my front teeth touch is getting easier!

      I am sure you look amazing! Keep checking in with me! I am so glad to hear you are doing good! We will be back to normal in no time... okay well maybe a few months. lol
