I woke up to some major bruising. I am very yellow under my chin and all the way down my chest. Also, some random purple spots near my lips. It's a good look. Not. I woke up feeling pretty good, more energy, less pain and started to move around when my head started throbbing, and I began feeling nauseated. So I took some tylenol with codeine and went back to bed. Woke up after that nap feeling a little better but my stomach was still being weird. Cramping, and just feeling off. It dawned on me. I have not used the restroom for #2 since surgery. Gross, but those are the facts. The nurse told everyone in the class that constipation was very normal, but I never thought it would happen to me. I have been eating smoothies with added fiber... sure enough it's happening to me.
My husband ran to the store to get some herbal tea called smooth move. Oh, joy. So I had a cup of that this afternoon and now the waiting game begins. My sister in law and best friend are both pregnant and have had the same problem throughout their pregnancies so they are all over what I can do if the tea doesn't work. For those of you who are having the surgery I would say prepare to be constipated and pick up either smooth move tea, or natural calm, or magnesium before your surgery. The combo of not eating for days, eating weird things, along with all the meds are not helpful.
Decided that I needed to get out. So we took the dogs for a little walk around the block. It was nice to get out and do something, even though I was a little self conscious about my face being so swollen and colorful.
I am counting down the days until I get unwired, July 29th! Not being able to talk is sooooo annoying. I am sick of mumbling and playing charades. I am so thankful that it seems like my recovery so far has been pretty easy. I have had no vomiting, no nose bleeds, no real stomach pains before now. My swelling is already starting to go down... I have read other peoples blogs and it seems I am ahead of schedule a little, which makes me happy! I had prepared for the worst case scenario so what I am experiencing is better than what I expected!
OH I almost forgot to mention I was allowed to take the tape off my chin today! Yay. No more trying not to get food all over it.
Sophie, know that when I look at your blog all I think about is how jealous I am that you are not wired shut! lol OMG that food you posted. I would die for not liquified food! Okay, that might be a little dramatic...
I promise I am clean in these pictures that is not yellow soup or smoothie on me. : ) I have never seen myself bruise yellow before. So weird.
Thanks Chloe! They ended up moving my upper jaw straight up so my lower jaw could rotate a little farther forward. Fingers crossed it all looks amazing when the swelling goes down. I have decided I won't even think about what I like don't like until 6 months from now. Thank you for your kind words.