Monday, July 1, 2013

Before photos

I am T-minus 14 days away from surgery. Let the count down begin...

 I had my first pre-surgery appointment this morning. It was just a phone appointment where they ask you questions about your health. Like do you take medications, and if you do take certain ones to stop taking those, as well as allergies ect. Pretty standard stuff. In about 30 minutes I get my surgical hooks put on, which makes me a tad nervous. It means this is really happening.

I found a few peoples blogs that have had double jaw surgery and looked fabulous afterwards, so my fingers are crossed that my pain is relieved and I am happy with my new look. Those blogs have really helped calm my nerves. Thank you people I don't know for blogging about your experience.

Here are some photos of me before. Don't mind the tired look. I was in a super amazing wedding yesterday, and well I am needing sleep asap.


Here is me smiling. Okay it's a little forced... but whatev you get the idea.

The dreaded side profile

Relaxed jaw.

Not sure why added another side profile...

Lips closed. 


  1. Hi Heather! Great job on the blog. I loved keeping my blog... It was a great way to keep people updated, and was very therapeutic. Plus it documented a ton of things I forgot about, so rereading is fun. :)

    I can tell just by looking at your pictures that jaw surgery is the right decision for you. I really think you'll be happy with it once everything is said and done. Plus, it's amazing what having a stronger chin in profile does for one's confidence...I love my new chin!

    Best of luck! You'll be singing again in no time. But in the meantime, enjoy the time off. Get lots of good TV series on DVD to watch. (And don't forget to ask for anti-nausea patches. They will be your best friend along with pain-killer.)

    Lindsay (Musings of a Lockjaw)

    1. Hi Lindsay! Thank you so much for all of your kind words. I really appreciate it! This really has been therapeutic so far just helping with the nerves so I can only imagine how nice it will be to let it all out post surgery!

      I am glad to hear you say that. Seeing everyone's blogs with their before and afters is really helping me feel more comfortable. I don't dislike my facial features, except my smile at times. It can be a tad overwhelming, and by overwhelming I mean take over my entire face (the gums, the heart smile, it can be to much for me). You are so right though, my jaw is going to be amazing after, or so I hope! : )

      I keep thinking at least I get a month off. I haven't had more than 5 days off in a long time!

      Great thought, I am writing anti- nausea patches on my questions for nurse and Doctor. : )

  2. Thank you Chloe! I just looked at your blog! : ) I will keep checking it for updates.
