Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 97 :: Normalcy

Day 97:

Life is almost is back to how it was before surgery, except less painful. My jaw rarely hurts or aches at this point, and I have had no popping like before the surgery. The jaw is still a little tight and I am not quite at 3 fingers or two knuckles, but I am getting closer every day. I am eating pretty much anything I want at this point. Let's be honest some things are still difficult to chew; nuts, hard vegetables, tough meat, BUT I can chew it. Also, still can't take crazy huge bites of food due to limited opening, but who needs to take crazy huge bites? Not me. : )

I saw my orthodontist yesterday and he was surprised at how fast things were moving into place and is weaning me off the bands I have been wearing in hopes that before Christmas I will be scheduling an appointment to get my braces off!! I am praying for a Christmas miracle that this happens and I can have a Christmas sans braces! Best gift ever in my opinon. So that is my exciting news, not that it is set in stone, but just to hear those words that this chapter is almost over is so so so wonderful!

I am getting more comfortable with the changes in my face, I think at this point I am the only one that really notices anything everyone else is used to it and doesn't seem to be phased at all by the slight change in my nose, chin, and profile (which I LOVE now).

Hope you are all doing well, and back to normal life as well!


  1. Hi Heather--

    It's great to hear your mouth is opening more! I'm stuck at less than 2 fingers and will be at 12 weeks on Thursday. I saw my surgeon today and he said my bite/profile, etc. look great! However, he was slightly concerned about the clicking, popping, lack of opening, achiness I am experiencing. Since I had TMJ before surgery, he said I am more likely to have issues with this afterwards...basically muscle issues. He managed to freak me out by saying he hopes that improves in the next 6 months so he doesn't have to go back in and fix that! UGH!!!

    You had TMJ too, right? Are you noticing any of the issues I mentioned? I was told I have to be to 35 mm by my next appointment...I'm only at 21.

    Have you had any sinus issues since your surgery? That's my other issue...I've been having drainage since day 1. Another fun thing to watch, I guess. Or maybe not so much! :) I also still feel pretty swollen!

    I'm looking at probably another 3 months in braces...how exciting that you may be done by Christmas! What a LONG process this is...I had NO idea it would be so slow and at times, frustrating! In the end I know it will be worth it! Still amazes to see my teeth touching like they should! WOW!

    Good luck on continuing to open your mouth! Thanks again for doing this blog! It's been fun to read how another musician/teacher's recovery has compared to mine!


    1. Hi Traci! Sorry I haven't checked this in awhile. I hope things are getting better for you! I haven't had any clicking, aching, or popping in awhile. As soon as I was able to open my mouth a little more all of those symptoms left. BY a little more I mean around 2 fingers. I am definitely having issues with my opening. I am still not where I need to be, however each week I notice a slight improvement so I am not freaking out yet : )

      I have had drainage problems as well. Making singing a little challenging. I feel like I am drowning, but I also have terrible allergies so this is something I have lived with my entire life.

      My main issues at this point are opening width, numbness on chin, and overly sensitive teeth. The list is shrinking so thats good, right? lol

      I know I am sooo excited to get them off. I know I was just thinking how long it all is, get your bite ready for the surgery, then the surgery recovery, and then re-aligning your bite. I am ready to put it all behind me! lol You are right so worth it, I mean my teeth touch, and I can finally bite through a hamburger! So exciting!
